Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Alexander Statement on Passage of SCHIP Reauthorization

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander, R-Quitman, today released the following statement regarding House passage of a bill that contained language to reauthorize and fully fund the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) through March 31, 2009, without expanding or extending eligibility definitions beyond current guidelines.

“Reaching this conclusion has been a long journey, but today the House of Representatives finally passed legislation that will ensure this vital health program continues to keep its focus on children whose families cannot afford private health insurance,” Alexander said.

“While increasing funds to meet the growing needs of the current program, this bill ensures SCHIP will stay true to the purpose for which it was established without burdening America’s taxpayers with the tax hike previous versions of the bill contained.”

While serving as Chairman of the Health and Welfare Committee in the Louisiana State Legislature, Alexander, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, worked to launch the Louisiana Children’s Health Insurance Program (LaCHIP), which receives funding through SCHIP.

Alexander said thousands of Louisiana children qualify for the program but are not enrolled, and he encourages parents to call the LaCHIP office at (877) 252-2447 to learn if their children are eligible to receive benefits.

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