Monday, March 19, 2007


For once, The Town Talk got something right. How did that happen?

The snip:

· John Breaux, a former U.S. senator and representative from Louisiana, has not announced that he will run for governor of the state, but many expect he will do so within two weeks. Given that, Republicans are on the offensive.

A television commercial that began airing Friday makes this point: Breaux is a resident of Maryland and has been since 2005. Breaux owns a multimillion-dollar home there, he has a Maryland driver's license, and he is registered to vote there. Thus, the GOP ad says, he is not eligible to run in Louisiana.

We think: We agree with the ad. Breaux has made his allegiances and preferences more than clear. Let him fight for the people of Maryland. He spent 32 years representing Louisiana, first in the U.S. House and then in the U.S. Senate. Three decades is more than enough to get something done. Louisiana needs new blood and new thinking.

Update: Evidently, Breaux ain't listenin'.

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